



“Nay, Amir agha, he can’t,” Farid said. He’d read the in my words. “I’m sorry. I wish I--”“是的,阿米尔老爷,他不能。”法里德说,他听出我言下之意,“我很抱歉,我希望我…”

“That’s all right, Farid,” I said. I a tired smile. “You have to feed.” A dog was next to the truck now, on its rear legs, paws on the truck’s door, tail . was the dog. “I guess he goes to for now,” I said.“没关系的,法里德。”我说,设法挤出一个疲惫的微笑,“你还得养家糊口。”现在有条狗站在汽车旁边,用后腿支撑着身子,前爪搭在车门上,摇着尾巴。“我想他现在应该到伊斯兰堡去。”我说。

I SLEPT the four-hour ride to . I a lot, and most of it I only as a hodge podge of , of in my head like cards in a : Baba lamb for my party. and I love for the first time, the sun in the east, our ears still from the music, her henna- hands laced in mine. The time Baba had taken and me to a field in --the owner had told us we could eat as much as we to as long as we at least four kilos--and how we’d both ended up with . How dark, black, ’s blood had on the snow, from the seat of his pants. Blood is a thing, . Khala ’s knee and , God knows best, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. on the roof of my ’s house. Baba that the only sin that was theft. When you tell a lie, you steal a man’s right to the truth. Rahim Khan on the phone, me there was a way to be good again. A way to be good again...到伊斯兰堡要四个小时,我几乎一路睡过去


If was the city that me of what Kabul used to be, then was the city Kabul could have . The were wider than ’s, , and lined with rows of and flame trees. The were more and not as with and . The was more too, more , and I saw parks where roses and in the of trees.如果说白沙瓦让我回忆起喀布尔过去的光景,那么,伊斯兰堡就是喀布尔将来可能成为的城市。街道比白沙瓦的要宽,也更整洁,种着成排的木槿和凤凰树。市集更有秩序,而且也没有那么多行人和黄包车挡道。屋宇也更美观,更摩登,我还见到一些公园,林阴之下有蔷薇和茉莉盛开。

Farid found a small hotel on a side along the foot of the Hills. We the Shah on the way there, the in the world, with its giant and . up at the sight of the , out of the and at it until Farid a .法里德在一条通往玛加拉山的巷道找了个小旅馆。前去的路上,我们经过的费萨尔清真寺,世界上的清真寺,香wωw奇Qìsuu書com网火甚旺,耸立着巨大的水泥柱和直插云霄的尖塔。看到清真寺,索拉博神色一振,趴在车窗上,一直看着它,直到法里德开车拐了个弯。

THE HOTEL ROOM was a vast over the one in Kabul where Farid and I had . The were clean, the , and the . There was , soap, for , a , and that like lemon. And no on the walls. One other thing: a set sat on the from the two beds.旅馆的房间比我和法里德在喀布尔住过那间好得太多了。被褥很干净,地毯用吸尘器吸过,卫生间没有污迹,里面有洗发水、香皂、刮胡刀、浴缸,有散发着柠檬香味的毛巾。墙上没有血迹。还有,两张单人床前面的柜子上摆着个电视机。

“Look!” I said to . I it on --no --and the dial. I found a ’s show with two sheep in Urdu. sat on one of the beds and drew his knees to his chest. from the TV in his green eyes as he , stone-faced, back and forth. I the time I’d I’d buy his a color TV when we both grew up.“看! ”我对索拉博说。我用手将它打开——没有遥控器,转动旋钮。我调到一个儿童节目,两只毛茸茸的卡通绵羊唱着乌尔都语歌曲。索拉博坐在床上,膝盖抵着胸膛。他看得入迷,绿眼珠反射出电视机里面的影像,前后晃动身子。我想起有一次,我承诺哈桑,在我们长大之后,要给他家里买台彩电。

“I’ll get going, Amir agha,” Farid said.“我要走了,阿米尔老爷。”法里德说。

“Stay the night,” I said. “It’s a long drive. Leave .”“留下过夜吧,”我说,“路途遥远。明天再走。”

“,” he said. “But I want to get back . I miss my .” On his way out of the room, he in the . “Good-bye, jan,” he said. He for a reply, but paid him no . Just back and forth, his face lit by the glow of the the .“谢谢你。”他说,“但我想今晚就回去。我想念我的孩子。”他走出房间,在门口停下来。“再见,亲爱的索拉博。”他说。他等着回应,但索拉博没理他,自顾摇着身子,屏幕上闪动的图像在他脸上投下银光。

, I gave him an . When he tore it, his mouth .在门外,我给他一个信封。打开之后,他张大了口。

“I didn’t know how to thank you,” I said. “You’ve done so much for me.”“真不知道该怎么谢谢你。”我说,“你帮了我这么多。”

“How much is in here?” Farid said, dazed.“这里面有多少钱?”法里德有点手足无措。

“A over two .”“将近两干美元。”


